Maybe it will be magic

"Where did you come from? 
I don't know what to make of you. 
There must be magnets buried deep within your skin. 
I can't find mine, but I know that they are there, polarized just for you. "
- Marisa B Crane 

How do you accept your own actual happiness? 
That is the question I have been asking myself. 
I am happy in my life.
I work hard.
I take care of my children and myself. 
I have deep and meaningful friendships.
I have come to learn how to be my own joy. 

So what happens when someone comes into your life and turns your world into bliss?
And I mean seeing stars, colors are brighter, this is what they write books about, kind of bliss. 

I had really come to terms with being alone. 
Dating sucked. 
Dating in 2019 was impossible.
Dating as a single mother was impossible.
Navigating the disaster that is Tinder, Bumble, Hinge.... all completely a waste of time.

Because who would want any part of this mess?  

And now I have to back peddle, and back peddle hard. 

So here I stand on my soap box, telling you that maybe it doesn't suck ALL of the time. 

Maybe it's all about the timing. 
Maybe it's about giving it one last shot.
Maybe it will be worth it.
Maybe it will be magic. 

Buy the ticket, take the ride. 

Awkwardly yours, 


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