Modern Dating

The last time I had gone on a first date, I was 17 years old.
It was the day before I started my Senior year of high school.
MySpace was in its prime, Facebook was still for college students only, my phone had limited texting and wasn’t even capable of taking a photo, and dating looked exponentially different then it does now.
So now, 12 years later, here I am, trying to find my way around the world of “modern” dating.

I had no idea there would be so many rules.
I feel like dating is a really complex board game that someone lost the rules for and now we’re all just making it up.
Oh no! You double texted. Do not pass go, do not collect a date, and head straight to ghosted.
Look at that! You climbed the ladder into feelings, BUT he used his “all of his relationships end badly” card, so you have to slide down the chute back to the beginning of the game.
There’s no spark! You have to pay all of your money to the bartender.
Instead of tiny people in the cars on the game board, there’s just you and an assortment of wine bottles.

It makes it even more difficult as a single mom working two jobs.
Person: When are you free?
Me: At exactly 5:45PM on Tuesday and after 8:30 on Wednesday. If those don’t work you have to wait until the following Tuesday and then I might be free the Friday after that.

So for now I have a cat, and wine. Lots of wine.

Awkwardly yours,


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